Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Trust & Obey

There was a period of time, shortly before the fall semester, when I was so frustrated, and even angry with God. I was aware, even in my anger, that I could never justify my own anger in the presence of an omnipotent, omniscient, almighty God. But in my frustration, I cried out and wept before Him as I could to my dearest Friend.

Thankfully that stormier period has passed now, though there are still days when it revisits. In those periods, I am reminded most that in my weakness, His grace is sufficient.

I am more cognizant at this point in time, that He may ask me to sacrifice other things dear to me in the future -- things I cannot even imagine as of yet. Sometimes it is a test, for a temporary period of time, as He had asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Other times, it is permanently, as reflected in the shadow of the cross.

I am fortunate to even have some explanation. Sometimes, God won't even give an explanation. It is simply: trust and obey -- complete surrender. He must know my faith is not at that point yet, so He is gracious.